Friday, August 10, 2018


Well, it looks like I'm going forward with a major life altering thing. It won't happen for at least 3-6 months, but I'm starting the preparations already. Next appointment in less than a month. I've been conflicted about whether or not I wanted to go through with this. I've been feeling like maybe it's not the right path for me, but... at the end of the day, it is. I can't keep doing what I'm doing. I can't keep going the way I'm going. Not only is it destroying any chance for a happy, healthy, stable future... but it's destroying the present as well. Which means I'm being left with a shitty past, on top of that. All around, it's just gotta happen. I will end up checking out of social media during that time, when it happens. For at least a few weeks, but possibly a few months. I need to take some time to focus on myself and my health and establishing my new lifestyle. I don't mean to be so cryptic, but I don't want to talk about what it is until it's done and I see that it's been successful, and confirm the rightness of my decision.

I wish this week of running around like a crazy person was over, but it isn't. Tomorrow afternoon I have a bunch of running around to do, including dentist appointments for Jordan and also myself. Which is going to SUCK ASS. Then at least I SHOULD have the weekend for a little bit of down time. But then Monday I have ANOTHER dentist appointment, because the dentist office in Springfield failed at doing my root canal properly, and I don't have $1,200.00 to have another dentist redo it. They better not try to charge me for it either. Because it NEVER was fully successful. They told me it could take a while, but it's been over a year and no... it hasn't improved. So my new dentist took an x-ray and SHE said that the guy who did my root canal didn't fill the canal all the way and that's why I'm still having issues. BUT she ALSO told me that my "only" option was to go to an oral surgeon and have them operate and cut into my gums and access the root of my tooth that way. But the dentist that did my root canal said that isn't true. And that makes sense considering I don't have a crown over the tooth. It was a front tooth so they were able to just use a white filling. I don't have actual, full dental insurance, so I paid for the root canal out of pocket. I don't have any more money. I need for them to fix the job they didn't properly complete. So I'm kind of nervous about that appointment on Monday because I'm going to have to be insistent and forceful and demanding. I'm going to create HUGE problems if they DON'T agree to fix it without charging me again. I will contact whoever regulates the dentistry in Massachusetts, I will contact the better business bureau, and I will contact a lawyer if need be. I will post negative reviews on all of their social media pages, their websites, yelp, WHATEVER I can find. I will not lie down and take it. I will make a racket util they right the situation. I'm not asking for anything I didn't pay for. I paid for them to fix my darn tooth, and my tooth is not completely fixed. That's not what I paid for... a half assed job.

Aaaaaaanyway, I kind of regret wasting so much time writing a novel about the damn dentist lol. I am trying to go to bed earlier than usual tonight. It's almost 2:00AM and I'm nearly ready to start brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed. School starts September 4 for me, and my kids start somewhere around that time or a little before, I think. So we need to start getting back to our old routine. I used to wake up at 6:00, take my meds and sit with my coffee and my computer until about 7:45, when I would wake Dominic up and give him breakfast and get him dressed for school, before dropping him off at 8:30. I don't know that I'm going to get up that early, I may just get up at the same time as Nicky and drop him, THEN come home and do my devotions and coffee, since I don't have on campus classes in the mornings anymore. For Fall semester, I only have class on Thursday nights. From like 6-10, I think. So I don't need to wake up super early anymore, thank God. I may have to next semester, but I have no idea what my Spring semester schedule will be yet. I suppose I could look it up based on course IDs, but meh. I'm not too concerned right now. SO if we're getting up at 7:30 or so, then we're going to have to get to bed by 10:30, I'd think. Or at least, the kids will. I suppose I could stay up until midnight or so and be fine.

Enough about my teeth and my sleep habits. I'd like to talk about periods. But I will save that for tomorrow (hahahhaa). If I have time, that is. I have to run errands and do the dentist thing and then I have to make homemade pasta, homemade marinara sauce, and try this new recipe, so that's going to take a few hours just the cooking alone. Marinara is quick, but the homemade pasta is going to take some time, plus the stuffed chicken parmesan, I have never made before so it's going to be slow going, being that I typically make mine thin and fry them in the deep fryer with seasoned bread crumbs. This recipe wants me to fry it in a pan, even though the chicken breasts are going to be much larger and much thicker... and use plain bread crumbs. Kinda iffy about that, but I need to follow the recipe to a T, or I won't know where to go from there next time. First time should ALWAYS be following the exact recipe, and then if you need to tweak from there, that's fine for next time. Sooooo wish me luck! Lol.

Time for bed. 2:30. I'm doing well with this getting back on track slowly thing. Last week I was going to bed anywhere from 4:30-6:45am... and look at me now!