I am so glad that it’s O-V-E-R. He is finally out of my life. For good. I started deleting his ass from social media as soon as the door closed behind him. And you might be thinking, why does social media even matter? Because that’s the only connected we had after cutting ties with the whole living situation thing. Internet and electric are now in my name, so there is zero trace of him in my life at this point. I deleted his bigoted mom as well. His entire family is full of white supremacist bigots and it’s nice to have no connections to that nastiness as well.
I spent the afternoon next door with my neighbors, and we had quite a bit of in depth chatting. We talked about Trump, about politics, about all sorts of insightful things. It was nice to hear different viewpoints. K is a transexual woman who attended an all-boys catholic school growing up, and has traveled the world. 25 countries to be exact. Both J and K work in the liquor industry, in sales. They are Luciferian or Lucifarian? IDK how to spell it. Church of Satan. It’s not my cup of tea personally, but I totally respect their right to freedom of religion and faith. I like to hear different points of view. They are charismatic and so entertaining. I love hanging out with them. We also hand-feed squirrels in their driveway while we chat. They’re fearless over there and they will take them literally right out of your hands. It’s adorable. They are so cute.
Thursday I have to bring my car back to the shop. I am so anxious and nervous that it won’t end up fixed, that Anthony will have permanently destroyed something. I can’t handle that. I really can’t. I need him to fix whatever he did wrong, and stop the small coolant leak that still remains. I paid $700.00 and I have no more money leftover. I can’t afford to have someone else fix his mistakes. It’s just killing me that he’s trying to pretend it came in this way and that it wasn’t his mistake, when it OBVIOUSLY was. My car was running FINE when I brought it in, aside from the coolant leak. It’s a valid expectation, in my opinion, to pick your car up with less issues than you brought it in with. I’m sick and tired of car problems. I can’t take anymore, I really, really, really can’t.
So I had applied at this store near my house a month ago, because I wanted to try to fit some part time hours in with full time school and single parenting two children. I was by far THE most qualified applicant there, by a mile. However, the district manager was a Hispanic guy who took forever interviewing the young Hispanic girls with tight clothes and cleavage hanging out, and spent barely 5 minutes with me, and didn’t ask about any of my retail experience, or my experience managing a business, my experience owning a business, my experience with business classes in college, or anything, really. I thought it was kind of odd at the time... and today I got confirmation that he is IN FACT racist, as I thought. The manager told me he only hired the Hispanic guys and girls, and he did not hire ANY of the MORE qualified applicants who happened to be white. And get this.... one of the girls he hired is PREGNANT and will only be there for a MONTH! Two of the guys he hired didn’t even pass the background check. The other two girls were like 18 and had NO WORK EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER. The last time this district manager hired 9 people, was back in May...and already 6 of them have been fired for they. Which is INSANE. CLEARLY this guy has no business doing the hiring. He also is a lying sack of shit. He was supposed to drug test the applicants, and he told the store manager that he had.... he told her that they all passed and to put them in the system... and then it turns out they NEVER TOOK A DRUG TEST AT ALL. He is a disgustingly unprofessional disgrace..... and he should be fired. The manager confirmed that he is racist and that he only hires other Hispanic people, which is total bullshit. It’s fucked up. The store manager wanted to hire me, and still does. She was going to call me when the guys failed their background checks, but corporate cut her payroll by 40 hours, so she can’t even hire anyone else, there’s no hours. I am hoping that somehow they reinstate the hours, and that she is able to do the hiring, because I would be hired instantly. I would LOVE to work down the street from my home, knowing my kids are a 90 second walk away from me at all times. I got offered a job in Northampton but I had to bail on it because of my car,...and I realized I don’t want to drive 45 miles a day round trip. My car is old and really doesn’t need that kind of wear and tear. I am hoping with school that I can still work around my assignments and classes. Each semester so far has been INSANELY difficult... not just because it’s full time, and because I have only gotten straight As and maintain a 4.0GPA... but because the classes themselves are advanced and tough. I THINK this semester should be a little bit easier, since I’m taking a year off from my second health science degree to do a quick medical assisting certificate, that way I can work as an MA for 2 years while I finish my other degree. Since I have already taken both A&P 1 and 2, I should be well prepared for the medical assisting Anatomy & Physiology, which is a bit more basic than the classes I took. I really need an easy semester. The last 3 have killed me. Lol. I am not looking forward to school starting up again, honestly. Last summer I couldn’t wait for school to begin again... but A&P was brutal. First part in the Fall was okay.... and then the second part in the Spring was OMG. Hardest class I have EVER taken in my ENTIRE life. I had an A average but I had fallen behind because of medical issues... and also I had THE WORST teacher I have ever had in my entire life. It made the class impossible, most people failed it, and the rest either withdrew or somehow scraped by. This professor was the most disorganized, unprofessional person I have ever taken a class from in all my years of school. It was sickening, actually. I will make another post another day and talk about this topic... just in case any of my classmates are reading this, or anyone who takes health science classes at HCC... so they can beforewarned and stay the HELL away from her. Lol.
Anyway, I guess I had quite a bit to say today. Nothing particularly interesting, though.