Monday, July 30, 2018


The day has come. Tomorrow, he gets the last of his stuff out and gives me back his key. I am very anxious to close this chapter of my life, I can’t even express to what extent.

I had hoped when we first moved in together that I’d ACTUALLY for once get the REAL roommate experience. Not the half assed kind where they don’t pay their bills and they let their girlfriend live with you for free, and run up the bills without paying a dime, and are secretive and shady and do fucked up shit behind your back all the while using you and taking advantage. That would be my previous roommate experience.

My very first roommate experience was just as bad. My (then) best friend was living with me while she was pregnant, and hadn’t paid a penny. After 3 months of no payments, she comes home with a dozen bags from the mall. She had gotten her tax return and spent a ton of money on clothes and shoes and had the nerve to show me all of it, knowing that she owed me $1,500.00 in rent and utilities. I told her she had to move out, especially considering she had her boyfriend sleeping there every night for free as well. She took me to housing court on my 19th birthday. It was lovely, really.

Anyway, this “roommate experience” was not the experience I was promised. I was promised live-in friendship. I was promised movie nights and cooking fun and having my (obv not any longer) best friend around full time. He had all these ideas and plans for the things we would do when we got our apartment. Instead, I was ghosted. He ended up never being here, once he found out I didn’t have any no platonic feelings for him, and all but abandoned almost every promise he ever made. Worse than breaking promises was his indifference toward the positions he continuously put me in with his inconsideration and lack of dependability. Like the day that he KNEW I had an Anatomy & Physiology practical final exam (which CANNOT be made up under any circumstances, and if you miss it, you automatically fail the entire class, both lab and lecture), and he was supposed to watch my 6 yr old, because obv I can’t bring him to campus for my exam..... and not only does he bail on me, but HE DOESN’T EVEN TELL ME THAT HE WAS CHANGING THE PLAN AND NOT SHOWING UP! He just decided on his own and didn’t tell anyone... because that’s how self absorbed and inconsiderate he is. He knew damn well that my education depended on it... and he couldn’t even be bothered to fucking communicate. He constantly did that shit. Would just bail on a commitment, fucking me over. My thing is this: no... he was not OBLIGATED to help me out. However, when you agree to help someone out, and they plan their life accordingly, YEAH, you are expected to show common decency and basic human courtesy by COMMUNICATING if you are bailing on your commitments. It’s not too much to ask. It really isn’t. The fact that he couldn’t take 10 seconds out of his day to just TELL me is what really killed me. Once would be forgivable... more than once and it’s entirely habitual, and unforgivable.

These are only a couple of reasons why I felt let down and betrayed by this person...and why I just cannot wait to cut him out of my life entirely. Once all of his stuff is out and he’s returned the keys.... I’m done. I’m deleting him off my social media accounts and just forgetting he exists. It’s not like he’s shown any concern or interest in my life or my kids’ lives the last 7 months anyway. Total ghosted ass BS excuse for a friend. I don’t need “friends” like that. I’m sure he’ll go around telling people all the stories about how I’M the asshole, because I expected him to keep his commitments and promises, despite not getting what he wanted. I never gave him the idea I had feelings for him, and I even told him I wasn’t going to be anything more than his friend.... so whatever delusions he dreamed up are on him. He can’t punish me for that. It’s just BS.

Hopefully my new roommate and I fare better. She and I have been friends for years, and we have a lot of fun when we are together. I have always wanted a female roommate, anyway, truthfully! It will be nice not to have a guy roommate for once lol.

So, it’s almost 4:00AM and he is going to be here in probably 5 or 6 hours. I should probably get some sleep. I asked him not to wake me up, but I don’t have high hopes that he will be considerate of me and be quiet. It would be nice if he moved his shit out the front door, but he’s stubborn she’ll, and for NO reason... even when it makes more sense to do something one way, hewon’t do it if it wasn’t HIS idea. Lol. Sooooo I’m assuming I will be woken up early ): Fingers crossed that a miracle happens though!