Sunday, December 27, 2015


What's the point of being honest if you're the only one doing it?
If everyone else is telling whatever white or grey or black lies it takes to sell their  bullshit stories.

The thing is… people will show you who they are.
They will show you their true colors.
Most of us don't want to believe it, so we convince ourselves that we're just seeing things improperly.
That we're missing something.
But we aren't.
We are seeing the truth, whether we want to believe it or not.
The sooner we do, the better off we are….

It's kind of disappointing, though.
To have to accept who someone really is, when you thought they were something else.
Someone else.
That's not their fault, it's yours.
It's ours.
My fault.
I get that.
I get it.