Monday, October 27, 2014


Denial... is disappointing.

Nobody is perfect. 
We all know this. 
We all have our downfalls, our flaws, and our weaknesses. 
They make us human. 
But does that mean that we shouldn't try to improve ourselves? 
Of course not.

EVERYONE has room for improvement. 
We always will. 
We will never stop growing, never stop changing, evolving. 
That's life. 
So I have a hard time understanding how some people refuse to accept that they have flaws. 
Arrogance and self righteousness don't blind others to your flaws. 
In fact, it only EMPHASIZES them.

Blaming everything on other people is no way to live. 
As long as you neglect to accept responsibility for your poor choices and wrongdoings, you will never grow from them. 
They will continue to weigh you down and haunt you. 
Really, really haunt you. 
You may think you've escaped them, that you've outrun the past that you have not made peace with. 
But you haven't. 
You won't. You CAN'T.

The scary thing is that I think that while there are many people who are too prideful to admit their mistakes, there are definitely some people who genuinely don't believe they've done anything wrong. 
They think that their horrible wrongdoings were justified by how others made them feel. 
As if hurting other people is okay, if they're angry. 
If they feel wronged, it gives them license to destroy. 
Except, reality says otherwise.

It's never justified. 
And it's never excusable.
 It's never okay.