Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I suppose I should preface this post by saying that I'm not prejudiced against any religions or belief systems. 
I feel that we all have the right to our own personal convictions & views.

That being said.... it feels like a sucker punch to the stomach when I hear people say that nothing happens when we die. 
When I hear them say that there is nothing after this world, after this life. 
That nothing we do here on this planet matters, in the "end". 
That there IS an "end". 
By "end", I mean a literal ending to life. 
As in, existence is no more. 
For them, for us, for the world.

Maybe I'm alone in this mindset. 
Maybe I'm ridiculous. 
Maybe I'm naive. 
I believe 100% that EVERYTHING we do on earth is directly connected to eternity. 
I believe everything is significant. 
Every person, every relationship, every interaction, every thought, every emotion, every feeling.... every breath... matters.

I can't wrap my head around the desire to live life believing that everything is for nothing. 
That human beings are not divine creations, but rather nothing more than evolved organisms that were previously apes, or amoebas.

We have to be blind to be unable to see GOD in everything around us. 
Every star that shimmers in the blackened night sky, every ray of sunlight that we revel in the warmth of, delicate flowers that bloom in every hue possible, trickling of rivers, cool water flowing through the earth, the dirt and sand and stones and boulders, the breeze that blows refreshing air around us, lifting our hair as though defying gravity. 
The notes and melodies that compose the music that soothes our soul.

He paints every sunrise, every sunset.