Things are never stable or secure. They're always nuts.
I am supposed to start my full time externship, hopefully by next Wednesday, or I may be screwed out of Summer graduation. If my professors let me down, I'm going to rage.
I also may be starting a part time job soon, which would be nice. I just need to stay busy, and make sure I can support a household and family of 3 on my own.
I can't wait for my roommate to leave. All she does is run up the bills and create messes. It's pathetic. She is such a nasty pig, it sickens me and I cannot wait until I no longer have to deal with it anymore. It's beyond acceptable or understandable.
I had surgery 6/21, and while for the most part I've been okay, I feel really nauseous sometimes, now being one of those times. I need to rest, and hopefully I will feel better.
One of these days I'll write a long, fully informative and thorough blog, instead of these random snippets of my life lol.