Perhaps I will actually post this entry. Likely not, but who knows? I typically type this shit up and then do nothing with it. I have no idea why I even do it to begin with. Beats me.
Basically... I need to make changes in my life. Hardcore changes. Significant, permanent, stable changes. I need to start doing a few things... organizing my entire apartment and my entire life... and getting back into the health groove.
I had canceled my gym membership last year, because I was so busy with school that there was just no way I could get there. That hasn't changed... school is still kicking my ass, full time. I still have two kids that I raise 100% on my own (no baby daddies on the weekends on holidays), aaaaand I'll be starting a full time externship in a few weeks, so I will be even MORE slammed. SOOOO that's not going to happen. I have, however, bought some free weights to use at home. I have a bunch of physical therapy type stretches & exercises to do too, which were given to me by my doctor to help with my back/neck/spine issues.
I've also been slowly reorganizing the whole apartment. I want to give it a HUGE overhaul this summer... but the problem is I don't really have much time this summer. I just finished semester this past week... and then I start summer semester June 5. Which is only about a week away from now. I've only got one night per week of class. I wish I knew what day I was starting my externship, so I could plan accordingly. I think they wanted us to start kind of early in June, but since I can't because of the kids & school, I would imagine they want me to start as soon as I can. So I'm tentatively planning the third week of June.
That means I have about a week of full time cleaning capability, and up to three weeks of part time cleaning capability, to get this place where it should be. I am talking emptying closets and cabinets and dumping as much as possible, reorganizing the rest... doing a total overhaul for the whole place. I need order, life is so chaotic that I need structure and stability somewhere. So organization it is.
I'm not going to start this weekend.. not while the kids are home. It's much easier to clean when there are no children in it lol. Tuesday it is!
I can't wait to have this place sparkling clean and totally reorganized and decluttered. It will be such a relief to start my externship and subsequent full time job and continue another full time semester at school, and be able to come home each day to a clean, orderly house. I'm making it happen.
Okay, it's 3:17am, so it's time for bed.