Monday, August 6, 2018


Best middle of the night munchies EVER: coffee cake muffins from Dunkin. I kinda wanted chocolate chip but we’re out of milk, and I can’t ever eat chocolate without milk. IDK why. I hate it, honestly. It’s a pain in the ass.

I really need to go grocery shopping... and clean the apartment. I haven’t had shit for motivation lately. I’ve been feeling crappy inside and out. Depression is kicking my ass yet again. You know, the kind where it’s a battle with yourself to shower, put on clean pajamas (because I don’t wear regular clothes anymore), or make real food. I need to get it together. I have to get back on my old schedule before September 4, when fall semester starts up. I have to go back to getting up super early so I can get Nicky ready for school and bring him. I hate that we live too close for a bus. It SUCKS so bad to have to drop him off and pick him up, because school traffic is HORRIFIC. I think when I’m done with school, I want to move out of Chicopee and move to a place where he WOULD get a bus, because I do NOT want to do this drop off/pick up crap for the next 12 years. No fucking thank you. Plus, it would be nice to eventually get a smaller and cheaper place, too. There are these tiny apartments in West Springfield where all utilities are included in the rent, and the rent is cheaper than my current rent-with-nothing-included. I’d eventually like to try to get into one of those. The area is a tiny bit better than my current area, and I wouldn’t have to worry about sweating in the heat in the summer because I can’t afford to cool my apartment, or bundling up in layers at night in the winter because I can’t afford to heat my apartment. That would be a literal dream come true lol. I would LOVE that, so so so much.

I’m rewatching Scandal because I haven’t seen season 7 yet, and I can’t just start watching a season I haven’t seen yet when I haven’t watched Scandal in probably 2 years lol. I don’t know, maybe I haven’t seen all of season 6 yet either. I’m not sure. I guess I’ll find out!

It’s only 3:45am but I think I’m going to lay down early. Like, 2 hours earlier than I normally do. Not sleepy, but I’m going to relax and watch Scandal until I pass out. I know, I didn’t have anything interesting to say today whatsoever. Lol. I’m just dreading tomorrow, because I have to do some things I hate doing, and I get anxiety about them. I just want to get tomorrow over with. Hopefully I can sleep... if not, more Scandal I guess! Lol

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