Friday, April 10, 2015


They're unavoidable. 
Every single day, someone is facing their worst fear. 
Someone is losing what they love most. 
Someone is leaving this world. 
Every hour, someone loses their battle. 
Someone gives up on their fight. 
Someone has to say goodbye. 
Every minute, someone is starving. 
Someone is freezing. 
Someone is scared. 
Someone is hurting. 
Someone is suffering.

That is life. It is. 
It's unavoidable. 
There is no way around this. 
No matter how invincible we feel…. we are not. 
At all.

The fact is that most of us, if not all of us, take our daily blessings for granted. 
The fact that we are alive, is a blessing. 
The fact that we are breathing, is a blessing. 
The fact that we have roofs over our heads, food in our stomachs, and beds to sleep in, is a blessing.

It's something we should remind ourselves of often. 
It can always get worse. 
Taking what we have for granted is incredibly ungrateful, and downright reckless.

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